{peace} from the Carlsons 2022

Our family continued to keep busy with school, work, and sports this year. The boys really leaned into winter with visits to several ice rinks, lessons in snow skiing, and sledding at Soldier Field. Tracy learned how to work our fireplace (only took 10 years!), to warm everyone up after snow adventures. That and their VERY SPECIFIC hot chocolate requests (we have three brands on hand so everyone is happy, though obviously Land O' Lakes is superior to the rest). The boys continue having a blast in flag football, basketball, and running. Kiefer's football team won the JFL league championship (Winter); Chase's football teams won the CPS conference (Spring) and JFL league championship (Fall). Kiefer & Chase train with a travel basketball team and Chase's CPS team took home the conference title. They've both proven themselves as strong runners, with Chase qualifying for the Chicago City Championships, finishing with a mile time of 6:24; and Kiefer has been finishing ...