Thank You

A Father's Day thank you to my husband: Thank you for knowing the details . During the do-we-have-a-child negotiation phase, I may have reacted harshly toward you when I learned some dads don't know how to pack a diaper bag. Little did I know there was nothing to fear. Not only are you an amazing father and an expert diaper bag packer, but you have kept our son alive, diapered, and clothed when I travel for work or go out for a ladies night. You have continued to impress me and surpass all my expectations. Thank you for letting my gene pool annihilate your gene pool . It's not a competition. But if it was, I'm definitely winning. While you may not love it now, down the road it may come in handy. When our son toddles over to you and asks: Dad, why are my cheeks so big? Why are my shoes so tight? Why are my shirts so short? you can...