Kiefer Maddox Carlson

This is my first attempt to post-date and add in something after the fact.  Here's to hoping it works as I would like to have the ability to refer to this as the year's go on, instead of being lost in the archives of my email.

We are proud to announce the (early) arrival of our son:  Kiefer Maddox Carlson

While they say never to compare siblings, let's ignore this for a moment:
Chase: 10 days late (9/9/10)
Kiefer: 10 days early (9/11/12)

Chase: 9.5 pounds, approximately the size of two Kiefers.
Kiefer: 5.5 pounds, the smallest kid on his hospital block 

Chase: Bald at Birth.  Still looks relatively bald at 2
Kiefer: Full head of jet black hair.

Chase: Big appetite.  Wouldn't stop feeding
Kiefer: Would rather be sleeping at all times

Chase: Parents well prepped for the hospital.  Lists made, lists adhered to.  Calm, collected
Kiefer: Parents behaved as though this was their first time.  Mom made it to the hospital carrying a phone, phone charger, and required paperwork.  Calm, not collected.

Needless to say, we are two days in and these boys have made it abundantly clear they are their own people.   

Hospital highlight:  Watching the brothers meet face by face.  
Chase was so excited to meet Kiefer, he pushed past his mother to find the baby.  Chase couldn't take his eyes off of him and moments after getting his new sibling placed in his lap [with major supervision from all those nearby], Chase leaned in to hug Kiefer and wouldn't let him go.  

We feel very blessed with this completed family of four and can't wait to see the adventures which await us.


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